login: There are several IP main addresses a router can take, is the most common one though or are also other options. IP address is the default gateway of most wireless routers like Netgear, Xfinity, Comcast network login. These are commonly known as host addresses.

In this article, there is a guide on how to login to the router, or to reset admin password if forgotten.

Accessing your router admin through a IP address will allow you to change the settings and configurations that your router software provides.

How to login in 5 easy steps

  1. Click Here or enter into your browser’s address bar.
  2. If you’re getting an error, then is not your router’s IP address. Look up your router’s IP address in the following article.
  3. Once you know your router’s IP address introduce it into your browser’s URL address. You’ll be directed to the user login panel. There introduce your router user and password.
  4. If you forgot your username and password you can follow these instructions to recover them. If you haven’t changed the default user and password that comes with the router you can consult our router default usernames and passwords list.
  5. When you entered into the admin panel then you modify the user name and password.

Most Common Logins

IP AddressUsernamePassword

Settings to Configure using Address

Now let us look on what all things you can do once the configuration page gets loaded.

Configure Network Settings

You can change the general settings for your router as well as the DNS settings or the ISP’s gateway IP address. You can even make your Internet work faster by following the advice of your Internet service provider on the configuration page.

Turn Wi-Fi ON/OFF

If you use the Wi-Fi router to browse the Internet on your PC, you must deactivate the Wi-Fi function of the router. This will save the little electricity. You can deactivate or activate by accessing page

Security Settings

Maintaining the security of your router is essential so that no one can access your Internet and browsing history. All routers have security settings that you can adjust yourself to secure your router from malicious hackers.

Restore Dead Internet

It sometimes happens that your Internet connection is suddenly disconnected. Then you have to wait for the ISP technician to visit your home and repair it. Well, the problem with the router if it can be solved by yourself. Just go to and you’re ready to fix it.

Troubleshooting or 192.168.l.l

Reset Your Router

  1. On the back or bottom of the router, there should be a small hole. You will need to insert something into this hole to press the reset button there, such as a paper clip.
  2. With the router plugged in, press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds. After releasing the button, wait for the router to turn on and try to reconnect to the router.
  3. If the above doesn’t work, you can try what’s called a 30-30-30 reset. Make yourself comfortable, as you will need to hold the reset button down for 90 seconds. Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds. While holding down the reset button, unplug the router, wait another 30 seconds, then plug it back in. Continue to hold the reset button for an additional 30 seconds.
Can Login to Router
  1. Login To Your Router
  2. Look for links such as “Advanced”, “Admin”, “System” and click on them.
  3. On the above pages, click on a link that says “Factory Reset”, or “Factory Defaults”.


  • http//
  • admin password

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Trump

    Thanks for sharing admin Login details for my router.

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